25 July 2013

CROSSOVER: Stereotype

I wrote this about a year ago in my english class where writing was become one of our daily assignment to do.Here is the thought of mine about stereotype,i'm really more than happy if you can read this until the end,it was not a long writing just a few.

Once we heard it, we knew there is something on our mind that point out to describe a thing that related with the word. Usually it will connect with something that is unpleasant to hear. There are a lot of differentiation around the world and people will judge something easily before they know it, this make a lot of people precise negative things.

I lived in Jakarta, Indonesia which is located in Asia and of course i live surrounded by Asian people but i met a lof different people came from many countries; America, China, Brazil, Australia, Germany, Malaysia and many more. They are bunch of different people with different language, race, body shape, attitude and else. But once people judge someone by only knew their appearance or looks they will easily say something to symbolize the person, but the problem is, they saying it inappropriate way.

Everything’s being conclude quickly, without any logical and mannerable consideration. For quick example, I believe that if we look at United States of America when we walk around the road when they see Asians they will think is China; no matter where he/she came from, when they think of Asian people they’ll instantly come out with China. And many people conclude that Chinese people are smart, white, small eyes (barely even see when the truth is they actually can), small posture, geek and many more. When the truth is they’re not all the same! I believe racist may come among us in every day’s life and if you wan to compliment someone just please don’t bring any reason because their “this" and “that".

We live as one and breathe in the same way, why people have to make a lot of negative differentiations when they actually has one!


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