14 June 2013


For the last two days i was making a simple snack with my little sister. I was making........
R-I-C-E--KRISPIEEESS!! I assured that you guys know what is rice krispies, if you dont then take a look at mr gooh-gle. Yup, i made a homemade rice kripies and actually it's not that hard; i'm pretty sure that you can make it like for only half an hour.

So....you guys just need these several things:
+ Rice Krispies cereal
+ 2 pack of small marshmallow (*or you can use the big one,just measure it according to your demand)
+ 3 tbsp. butter
+ Rubber spatula
+ Baking dish (approx.13x9x2-in /turkey size {i guess})
++ You can add something you like, for example maybe chocolate chips of peanut and else

Look people, this is my homemade rice kripies I'm sorry if it's not what you expected but i did a pretty job actually. But for further details and steps you probably wanna check this out https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nQsDB29hYVM <--- Open this, it'll make you easier!

And this is my homemade rice kripies ;)

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